Friday, September 30, 2011

CCP011-Exploitive Employers; Go Fuck Yourselves

Hi I was just wondering if you are trying to get reported to the Better Business Bureau? Are you trying to get reported to labor enforcement? I find it completely ludicrous that you would demand someone work from 8AM-10PM and I hope this was a misprint but 7 days a week? You have to be kidding. Fortunately for you, you will probably find some sap to take this job who has no self respect, no dignity and no common sense. In this economy you are the enemy. I know these long hours are under the guise of "giving people more hours in this horrible economy" but you must know and I know as well that this is probably a salary position. The salary most likely will be too low and calculate to the employee losing money in the long run. This is a nasty tactic used in this "bad" economy to trick people into getting sucked into a job that overworks and underpays them. You and other employers are what is ruining the economy. When the work force is underpaid and overworked they are not putting money back into the economy because they both have no money or time to contribute to the economic structure in society. You may think you are getting away with this kind of behavior but just know there are people out there who know and understand your tricks and it will only be a matter of time before everyone else is clued into this, either that or employers like you will continue to do this and will eventually cause the economy to collapse. Thank You have a nice day and go fuck yourselves.

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