Sunday, October 2, 2011

CCP012-Face Slammed Ocean

Dragged bloody knuckled and battered through a city of salt only to bathe in a deep throbbing hum resonating from a giant spiraled tower made of coral. Out the top bursts a stream of thick salty water, more salt than water, no hydration in sight, just the constant thrum of the coral barfing out my name.

Bits of static strike at my head and the light is flickering in this dark basement, an electronic water drip spikes my attention every so often, I really hate this place but I have to call it home. Occasionally I hear trucks go by but I cant see out and its so infrequent I don’t bother calling for help. There is no light to tell the time, there are no sounds to tell the time, only bursts of backfire and truck rumbling. Sometimes I can tell its night but not very often.

I wish I was back in my coral prison, it's much better than the dank room I am locked in now. At least underwater I could catch glimpses of the Sun's rays darting in and out and in between the trigger fish. The orange coral trapping me under the waves. Breaking free from this prison would surely result in almighty doom. The waves pounding my face into the sandy ocean floor and scraping my knees on bits of stray coral. These are the things I face. My face pressed into the ocean, screaming into the sand. I can only think of a few things as my vision fades to black and I escape from my coral prison.

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