Friday, September 30, 2011

CCP011-Exploitive Employers; Go Fuck Yourselves

Hi I was just wondering if you are trying to get reported to the Better Business Bureau? Are you trying to get reported to labor enforcement? I find it completely ludicrous that you would demand someone work from 8AM-10PM and I hope this was a misprint but 7 days a week? You have to be kidding. Fortunately for you, you will probably find some sap to take this job who has no self respect, no dignity and no common sense. In this economy you are the enemy. I know these long hours are under the guise of "giving people more hours in this horrible economy" but you must know and I know as well that this is probably a salary position. The salary most likely will be too low and calculate to the employee losing money in the long run. This is a nasty tactic used in this "bad" economy to trick people into getting sucked into a job that overworks and underpays them. You and other employers are what is ruining the economy. When the work force is underpaid and overworked they are not putting money back into the economy because they both have no money or time to contribute to the economic structure in society. You may think you are getting away with this kind of behavior but just know there are people out there who know and understand your tricks and it will only be a matter of time before everyone else is clued into this, either that or employers like you will continue to do this and will eventually cause the economy to collapse. Thank You have a nice day and go fuck yourselves.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

CCP010-We Hate the Hippies and There's Nothing You Can Do About It

Sitting in the dark room watching a children’s movie about the environment. They had to save the forest and we hate the hippies. For some reason we hate them yet this cause is just. So just, we barely pay attention. We had other things on our minds. We sank into the dark as if we were meant to be there. Grabbing any bit of material we could to hold on. We sank deeper and deeper into the landscape. The lights flickered behind us while a thousand hands went up and down. The windows creaked and cracked and we tried turning the cranks for a few minutes. Our hair had been blown back and we needed it back in place. This was the beginning and we had everywhere to go from there. So pick up your bootstraps because this here’s the wildest ride in the wilderness!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

CCP009-The Night Never Really Ended

It's nights like these that I live for and it's mornings like this that I never want to live inside. I try for the life of me to grasp at something that isn't in a fog. Your words offer a glimpse of hope in this hazy lazy morning. I can't for the life of me focus on one thing but your words brought my attention to a sharp point. Once it was done the haze descended once again. My eyes feel heavy, my face heavier than usual. The night never really ended, we wouldn't let it.

Smoked a thousand cigarettes and watched a grown man unravel. Watched a grown man grapple at the lost pieces of his life while grinning like a child trying to pretend that he is on the right path. I heard they named a hot dog after him at the corner of Ventura and Beverly Glen. Right across from the Cadillac dealership that you grew up with as a child and followed you around the rest of your life in the form of an iconic music video. This building reminds you of the 50s and your childhood at the same time. I am listening to 50s music and driving down the boulevard trying to meet up with you to get some clarity in this lazy hazy day.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

CCP008-Religious Apathy

What happens when you don’t have spirituality? People shun you is what. When you don’t have a god, people shun you. Not just the horrible god fearing kind but also some of the intellectual elite. This is where problems arise. This is when you have to get out. For god’s sake people who cares what I feel about everything, let me live my own life even if that means not caring about any kind of higher power or unseen forces. I am not blind and I can see right through all of that.

you might as well believe in star wars...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

CCP007-Charge Yourself and Vibrate Higher

I cant be nice anymore, it’s not in me anymore. I don’t have compassion for the weak. But I am weak and all I desire is compassion for me. You need to vibrate higher to reach what you want and all these people have a low battery. I’ve been recharging for years and am ready to reach new heights. Worrying about the fall after the vibration is a grave mistake, it will only make you anxious, we don’t want that. We just want you to be nice and compassionate. We need your good graces and your understanding, so fucking charge yourself and vibrate higher!

Monday, September 19, 2011

CCP006-Show Me Your Lungs, Show Me How You Breathe!

It felt like taking a breath of fresh air, this new thing we have discovered. Like walking through a brisk October night. Letting the crystalline molecules fill the lungs. The light bounces off cars and it is almost dusk. These kids just don’t know how to party anymore. They just skate in the street and yell curse words into the air. I have been here before, I have done this game. I have kick flipped into a house of my own with nothing to show for it, but at least the air is nice and the lighting is good and I don’t have to think about trying too hard until something comes along and gives me a hard shove. Then it will be like taking a breath of fresh air in the shadows of the fall dusk.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

CCP005-The Way Things Really Are

A square drips out of the corner and pixel tan builds on your face. The intertwined code of what’s happening doesn’t occur to you. All the things that make up this world never occurs to you. You like what you see and don’t care to analyze. You stare at the corner of the screen and it mocks you to investigate but you don’t care about silly things like “the way things work”.

We are all saddened for your level of intellect.

CCP004-With a Doo Doo On the Side

Are we girls at our best or are we just fucking it all up bro style, with a doo doo on the side and our gold earrings in, we could be anyone, we could go to any club, we could be the best person in all of Los Angeles, we could ride down the street with rims so big we would need child labor to spin them all night. With our arms hanging out the windows of the front doors and our friends bodies half hanging out the back, we own the night and we own Ventura Blvd and fuck all you little shits that get in our way as we barrel toward our own fates in the midst of a hot June night that will forever ruin us.

CCP003-Ultimate PeePee Party Greeting Card

i can't even write one of those! 'plato, shakespeare, einstein... they were great originals........... but nothing can compare to you dad! happy birthday to the first peepee I saw, your loving son'

CCP002-Poison Lizard Tears

Bowling balls sliding down a tripped out lane entering the mouth of some crazed madman from Texas who has eyeballs on his cheeks with blood dripping out of the puffy sides of his mouth. The cheeks are puffed up with blood and his tears are poisonous, just like that one lizard I saw one time on tv, it killed a bird I think. It sprayed it’s poison tears right in the birds throat and it died on the spot. I swear I could see that lizard smile. But back to West Texas where a group of acid fried and acid addled kids are piling into their cheap car to get their next fix, to get their next sonic boom. They saw pussy galore that night and jon spencer called one of them a child rapist, but it was a good thing.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


The mexican sunset goes down easier when you are a rich white man sucking off the teat of the countries’ tourist trade.
Trading tourists for cash in the back alley just to get some cheap booze and a pack of cigarettes in these hard times. The tourists almost go willingly, I say almost because they really have no idea they now belong to Pablo Diaz the third. He might treat them well. He might offer them a better life, something they can look forward to, something that gives them reason to get up in the morning. Sometimes they stop to catch their breath, sometimes not.
Please dear god get your hands off me, I don't think I can do this work for you anymore. You have sapped my strength and you tapped all my resources. The needs of the people are given the cold shoulder and a blind eye to your grand scope of the world. God save their souls their gonna need those crutches.