Friday, September 12, 2014

Tehatchapee Exception

Going down the Tehatchapee river in a classic car wearing nothing but shorts and a light blue push up bra, you saw some shit. you...saw....some..shit. You were aware. You thought you were amazing. It's hot out though. You hate it. It's ruining the experience for you. It's making you miserable. To be fair, it's better than larding out on the couch watching TV all the time. At least I thought so, you didn't. Just push it a little harder. Ignore the hardships. Take a deep breath, take my hand, realize I'm not the bad one here. I can be here whenever you need but you have to make a little effort. I am the exception. You are scared of it all happening again, I assure you it will not. Now straighten up that bra, pick up your feet, look towards the horizon, forget about the heat, forget about discomfort and take hold of the exception and evolve.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Woozy Boozy Microhouse Brain

Hey Boy. It's smoke time. Tugging on your beard and you think it's weird but you don't make a sound and you force yourself to realize that it's alright, and we are all just a little sick in the head. Talking to yourself while looking in the mirror at all your flaws and faults you crack a smile and realize you're already gone. I pick a wussy strawberry box up from the farmer's market. 3.99 a box are you kidding me! This place sure does have the right stuff! I came and I came and I came and you went and we all had a great time. We all put our priorities in line. A smile on the face of a chronic depressed first dispatcher is worth more than your life. These people are saving lives. Step into a suit and you never have to wash buckets again it's like a time loop finally cracking to reveal what's right. Are you sure you are having a good night? Sorry for the short notice. Sorry for the drama. I think I'll take a nap soon and get this woozy boozy brain to the sleep train. Take the dyslexic taxi straight to a plate of Poutine. Smother yourself in curds and gravy. The blasts of microhouse echo throughout the deepest parts of Malibu Canyon. At the top is the house of a rich person you can never get to. Figuratively, literally. She didn't want the piece of jade. They all thought it was ugly but they forgot it was worth a lot. Then they cried. It's smoke time. Hey Girl.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Yeah you see we got goggles

Light refracted through her glasses/twisted/turned/bent/flipped out. The smile stretches across the face so much it might start to hurt. She grabs your hand and takes you to the portal. She sticks little needles in the sides of your eyelids and tells you to "wear this", it's a weird helmet. It has lights and noises coming from all over the place. She grabs your face and asks if you are ready. You shrug and say yes. She opens the door. Grabs your hand. Opens a box on the floor. Sticks her hand inside and seemingly flips some switches. Lights in each four corners of the room hum and come to life. One green. One blue. One red. One orange. The tones are beautiful. A sudden feeling of nostalgia washes over you...or was it deja vu. Now you are in some sort of larger box that kind of resembles a wheel. In fact it's just like that crazy thing Cobra Commander used to ride in when he was feeling fancy. Yeah that thing. The buzzsaw wheel vehicle. Well at any rate it begins to spin. She takes off the helmet, places goggles on your face, kisses your cheek and softly whispers your name and "are you ready for this time?" it all fades in and fades out then colors blast through from every direction and you are home except shit is definitely not as it was and for some reason you are missing your right ring finger.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Reviving the Dead

it's getting better all the time. go left when you are supposed to go right. hit the bricks and get it started. the rhythm hits you just right and you see something that blinds your eyes. please tell me to stop. you sound like the guy from Devo. devolution is the way to go baby. deconstruct yourself. break your mind down to why you are doing what you are doing and be concerned with your actions. your actions may or may not affect those around you but just in case keep your mouth shut and don't make trouble. you could hurt someone. don't talk shit like it's high school again. we are in high school again. gurrl eat that vomit. suck it back up like it's going out of fashion but you know still at the cusp of being cool. gurrrrrl you know what to do. speak your mind and get burnt. keep your mouth shut and lose your chance. this world is not kind to the likes of us and it will keep churning out those that oppose you and those that bring you down. hold your head up high. play that guitar the way you want to. hold that brush the way you were told not to. spit in the face of all that shall wrong you, abuse you, keep you down. eat that vomit with a smile. they will keep spewing it all over you. eat that vomit with a smile girl it's the only way to keep them distracted from the knife you are holding at waist level behind their back.....right before........well ya know :)