Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Level White Bag Of Dicks

Level White not impressing me with your horrible poetry and tacky videos. If this is what you feel is the standard for art than I want no part of your white world. You say that white contains every color but I don't believe you, all I see is bland, uninspired flash art. You feel you have the authority to see good art? I haven't seen one shred of evidence supporting your claim. You say you want to connect with the world, but not the whole world, just the part of the world you deem is positive, artistic and commodified enough. You want an elite society of snooty artists to basically shit all over the art world. Your level white is dirty and tainted. I can't take advice from a grown man in a shiny silver track suit and Kanye glasses. Your trophy girlfriend isn't fooling anyone. You are out of touch. You remind me of a shaved Ricky Gervais with absolutely no real talent, sure you programmed myspace but you wouldn't be able to see real beauty if you tried. This might seem negative but there is one positive thing for you. For you Mr. Level White with your fractals and your fiber optics. There is still one award for you. We would like to present the award for the uber-exclusive position of worst person I have ever met. This goes to you good sir, you are the worst and one day I hope to be part of the brown smudge that ruins your perfectly white world.